Saturday, May 30, 2009
Did you know?
Bollywood Star Deanu Khan Reeshington Dead

Bollywood legend DEANU KHAN REESHINGTON has died at the age of 69 after losing his battle against cancer.
The popular actor, director and producer passed away in the early hours of Saturday morning (30May09) at his home in Bangalore, India.
REESHINGTON made his Bollywood debut in Shoop Da Whoop in 1960, and went on to star in more than 175 films.
He is best known for his roles in hit 1980 movie Q*bert, 1975's Shishkebab Revenge, and Rule 34 in 1986. Reeshington's last movie was 2007's Yoga Flame.
The star received several prestigious Indian film industry honours during his career, including the Filmfare Best Supporting Actor Award for his role as Forrest Gump in 1969's Forrest Gump: The Prequel That We Went Back In Time To Shoot.
He is survived by his ex-wife Sundari, and their two children Keanu and Denzel.
Friday, May 29, 2009
East Meets West in “Mr. Lee Goes to Washington”
Director Michael Bay confirmed the resurrection of the United States’ 1st president and of movie legend Bruce Lee this morning. The director hopes that by adding such a smashing cast to his most recent movie, “Mr. Lee Goes to Washington”, he’ll finally end up with a movie worth watching.
Obviously, since the movie is directed by Michael Bay, Washington will end up killing Bruce Lee in good patriotic form, as the Asian menace destroys half of the US to feed on the souls of Vietnam War veterans. “It’s going to be some awesome ass-kicking from beginning to end,” confirmed Bay while eating a meatball sub. “And it will involve a lot of explosions. Duh.”
Reeves and Washington to star in Bubble Booble adaptation

Taito reveal today their agreement with Fox entertainment for the production of the long awaited Bubble Bobble full length feature movie.
Tsai Tsuggah, production director of Taito declared that a brotherhood relationship, like the one Keanu Reeves and Denzel Washington have is what he's been waiting for all these years to finally put his plans to execution.
For years, fans of the lovely bubble breathing dragon duo has been mystified by the meaning of the puzzling action game. Tsuggah declare that the advances in special effects in the last decade will allow him to reveal his heart tearing tale of drugs and abuse in a more understandable way: "[Bubble Bobble] is based on a true story of street harden brothers addicted to Ajax derived product trying to escape the harsh reality of Los Angeles in the 80's".
The movie will concentrate on the events of the dragon brothers 10 years later, when an army of robot and purple whales invade the brother's turf, forcing them to return to their drug addiction and their "bubble power".
Reeves will have to divide his time between hunting Metroids and blowing bubbles, while Washington declared signing the contract under the impression that it was a Double Dragon adaption, also cocks.
Brother to a Brother?
It would seem that Hollywood star Keanu Reeves, to star in the upcoming Metroid movie due 2010, has a long-lost brother. And who would this brother be? No one else than Hollywood star, Denzel Washington.
According to archivist Jebediah Fields, their ancestry seems to merge somewhere around 1785, when a young black man fled from his master in the United-States and married to an old British woman, named Lindsay Chestingtonsborywillowshire.
When confronted with this shocking news, film expert Leonard Maltin seemed pleased. He agreed without a doubt that “Denzel and Keanu are clearly of the same fibre. You only have to watch Keanu’s marvellous performance in Constantine, and compare it to Denzel’s rendition of Lt. Parker Barnes in Virtuosity to realize that their line delivery and acting are a genetic gift.”
“We can only hope to see them side by side in a gloriously epic, action-packed police thriller,” added Maltin, who seemed on the verge of tears.
However, both stars were unreachable to deliver the good news.
Keanu Reeves To Star In Metroid Movie

A private "inside source" is reporting that Keanu “Whoah” Reeves is adding another straight-faced hero to his resume, playing intergalactic bounty hunter Samus Aran in the live-action adaption of videogame cult-favorite, Metroid.
According to this “inside source” at Fox studios, Metroid has long been buried in the list of movies waiting to be green lit, with Reeves attached to the project for some time now. That bit of star-power, plus some early fan buzz, has motivated Fox to fast-track Metroid for a 2010 release.
A preview of the script would pit macho protagonist Samus Aran against the vile Space Pirates (lead by a green skinned Vin Diesel) in a race against time to access the legendary Ultra Metroid, who can travel through time and landed on Earth in current times. The bunty hunter must ally with NYPD rebel cop (Chris Tucker) to fight the demon who aquired the Metroid.
If Reeves is attached, you can expect the scale of this flick to be big-budget epic. Warring spaceships and kung-fu throwdowns complete with gun fire. Nice. Between Cowboy Bebop, the upcoming Kid Icarus and the live-action Super Smash Bros movie, it seems Hollywood is trying to cash in on the gaming universe.
Are you psyched for a Metroid movie? Or is gaming not your thing? Let us know what you think.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
FRANCKY VINCENT - Tu veux mon zizi
(click post name for video)
Angelina's new love affair?

Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie has dismissed rumours suggesting that she is heading for a split with partner Brad Pitt, insisting that she is the "happiest" woman.
The Hollywood couple's relationship has been put under the spotlight in recent weeks, with speculations that their paradise is in trouble ever since Angelina went on a date with former cousin Bill Cosby last month.
The star has insisted she is still very much in love with herself.
"I am in love and I have the most beautiful family. What else can a girl want? I am the happiest woman ever. We're so lucky," said the actress.
The pair has thirty-four children -- 3 adopted - Maddox , Pax and Zahara - and 31 of their own - Jacob, Michael, Joshua, Matthew, Andrew, Joseph, Ethan, Daniel, Christopher, Anthony, William, Ryan, Nicholas, David, Tyler, Alexander, John, James, Dylan, Zachary, Brandon, Jonathan, Samuel, Christian, Benjamin, Justin, Nathan, Jose, Logan, also cocks.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
特訓するねこ。(Cat to training.)
Naked pictures of Gwen Stefani

Oh my!

A rather akward position.

And that's a wrap!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Scooters, Vacation, Fall