Thursday, July 30, 2009

Murphy's Law: The Photo Album

Seriously, why the fuck do you have a kid?

You Suck @ Craigslist

You Suck At Craigslist gathers the worst of the online garage sale community. ENJOY.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

First Videogame Tournament on TV

9 minutes of epic hairdos kids running like girls.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

T.Hanks for the posting

This is post 101. Thanks for all the joy :)

Friday, July 24, 2009


Probably not but still:

Monday, July 20, 2009



nm (ta-pon)
  • 1Étoffe, linge, etc. qu'on bouchonne et qu'on met en tas. Cette robe est toute en tapon.
  • 2 Terme de marine. Morceau de toile qui sert à boucher un trou dans une voile.

    Bouchon du nable d'une embarcation.

  • 3Gros tambour en usage dans les Indes.
  • 4Bouvreuil.
  • 5Motton de papier de toilette que les ours se rentrent dans le cul en hiver pour pas chier dans leur poil. Difficile a enlever au printemps venu (tel qu'illustré ci-haut)

Monday, July 13, 2009

LOL, GameGenie

Bill & Ted called - they want their awesome back!


This is a cosplay picture of M Bison and his dolls... Decapre is usually wearing a gaz mask because she is disfigured, but here they decided it was better to just take an old scary lady with no eyebrows to portray her:

This what Decapre looks like usually:

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Somewhat NSFW, but the website name is just worth a million...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Short & Sweet

Hey guys, here's an idea:
Let's start a Blog where we post only short videos, like 30 seconds max. Things like Yums Kid and this guy:

Let's discuss...

And now Ninjas litterally sing on this clip

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Don't copy that floppy!

They're actually making another one, to be released this summer. Probably won't beat this classic though.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Friday, July 3, 2009

0% Shoop Rate

Google image search is your friend:

And it seems pools don't give AIDS after all:


But it's a slow week in AIDS news...

Remember Hugo?

The Man of a Thousand Faces

He misses Gay's hand...