Monday, October 26, 2009

A for Abortion

Check out other horrible thing coming out of Etsy at Regretsy

Fat fail!

Now that I have more time on my hands, I'll take more care of this blog.
That and I'll entertain one of my favorite secret joys: watching Fat Kids Falling

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009

WTF Redefined

EDIT: vladdamien rolls his tongue around dicks

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


At the risk of having it sang at work...

Monday, August 31, 2009

Friday, August 21, 2009

Now THAT'S art!

For those not in the know, Moot is 4chan's founder. Anonymous raided Time Magazine's "100 most influential people of the year" poll, thus placing Mootykins as #1 most influential person of the year. Many lulz were had.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Saw this on a friend's wallpaper. He couldn't tell me where he got it, but I wanted to share.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


More awesome 4-panel jokes at

Friday, August 14, 2009

Search Feature

We got a serach feature now! Joy!

Also, congratulation for the Awkward Boners site, which is now blocked by Web Sense.

Bubble Head Baby

Isn't he cute?


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Stock Photo Fail

Great results when you type "SPEND MONEY"...


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Big Man Japan

This looks awesome. It's out on DVD.

EDIT: Flaming tits.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Murphy's Law: The Photo Album

Seriously, why the fuck do you have a kid?

You Suck @ Craigslist

You Suck At Craigslist gathers the worst of the online garage sale community. ENJOY.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

First Videogame Tournament on TV

9 minutes of epic hairdos kids running like girls.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

T.Hanks for the posting

This is post 101. Thanks for all the joy :)

Friday, July 24, 2009


Probably not but still:

Monday, July 20, 2009



nm (ta-pon)
  • 1Étoffe, linge, etc. qu'on bouchonne et qu'on met en tas. Cette robe est toute en tapon.
  • 2 Terme de marine. Morceau de toile qui sert à boucher un trou dans une voile.

    Bouchon du nable d'une embarcation.

  • 3Gros tambour en usage dans les Indes.
  • 4Bouvreuil.
  • 5Motton de papier de toilette que les ours se rentrent dans le cul en hiver pour pas chier dans leur poil. Difficile a enlever au printemps venu (tel qu'illustré ci-haut)

Monday, July 13, 2009

LOL, GameGenie

Bill & Ted called - they want their awesome back!


This is a cosplay picture of M Bison and his dolls... Decapre is usually wearing a gaz mask because she is disfigured, but here they decided it was better to just take an old scary lady with no eyebrows to portray her:

This what Decapre looks like usually:

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Somewhat NSFW, but the website name is just worth a million...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Short & Sweet

Hey guys, here's an idea:
Let's start a Blog where we post only short videos, like 30 seconds max. Things like Yums Kid and this guy:

Let's discuss...

And now Ninjas litterally sing on this clip

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Don't copy that floppy!

They're actually making another one, to be released this summer. Probably won't beat this classic though.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Friday, July 3, 2009

0% Shoop Rate

Google image search is your friend:

And it seems pools don't give AIDS after all:


But it's a slow week in AIDS news...

Remember Hugo?

The Man of a Thousand Faces

He misses Gay's hand...

Monday, June 29, 2009

Screw Michael, Billy's dead

And with Vince in prison, who will sell us junk now?

Friday, June 19, 2009

Birds of Britain

Very instructive

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

We got the Ceramic Lion

Awesome rap or awesomest rap?

What is best in life?

Let Conan sort that out for you:

How unfortunate...

Best marketing, or bestest marketing?

Enjoy your AYDS!

More at:

Yet another awkward photo blog

Ohh... how I love these!

Also, I put all the links to those sites in a box on the right side -->

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Monday, June 15, 2009

When good bananas go BAD

Is this CP?

Seriously... what were they thinking?

The Crotch-Buddy system

Your testicles are an invaluable source of pleasure to you, your loved ones, and your whole family!
But what do you know about your firm, pendulous bringers of life?

Check out for more info.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Doing it wrong, for your enjoyment

I seriously LOL'd at Swimming.

Monday, June 8, 2009


Dead man in a pool of Jell-O

Amongst other smooth looking animated GIF of three frames.

[Submitted by Jo]

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Arnold's Death Toll

Interesting fact:
Total Recall is NOT the movie with the most Arnold-induced deaths...

Click the link for a nice Death Toll table from


Best president, or bestest president?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Dude, wait... what?

Or as we say in Québec: De kossé?

Oh painful translation, how I love thee...

Megan Fox's freaky thumb

It's like figuring out that Jessica Alba has a hairy back...

(Submitted by Puppet Jo)


Cool little page with really funny graffitis!

Right thar:

The Mother of all trailers

Hollywood running out of superheroes to mangle?

Well that's ok, because they can still ask Bazooka Joe to take over...

Seriously, a Bazooka Joe movie? WTF?
(Fake trailer on site)


Good try though...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Best Board Game or Bestest Board Game? BBG/BBG

Fireball Island. Fire. Ball. Isl. And.
All win, seriously.

Check out a great article on this truly epic and riveting board game ovar thar:X-Entertainment Loves Fireball Island.

Meme Stacking is Superior

Pics, as it did happen:

Requiem for a Red Shirt

Still not as many deaths as in Total Recall, but enjoyable non the less.

Tuesday's Classic: Washington

Introducing Tuesday's Classic, with an ode to this legendary hero.

There are no stupid questions...

If you liked the worst of Yahoo! Answers, you'll like the Bad Questions For Yahoo! Answers Blog.


(picture unrelated)

Monday, June 1, 2009


Bill Cosby Targeted by Jell-O Attack

A story of vengeance? Perhaps.

Tired of being second fiddle to actor Bill Cosby, Jell-O decided to go all out on the 71 year old man. Jell-O has been known to have led a life of abuse and drugs since its inception, leading to its arrest in 1988, at the height of its career, when it beat up a hooker to death.

By mixing its Jelloey genes to nitro-glycerine, Jell-O developed a taste... FOR DANGER! Disguising itself as an unsuspecting trash can left in Cosby's driveway, Jell-O waited for the perfect moment to set off its explosive recipe.

Actor Cosby left his home that morning and noticed the misplaced trash can as he went to his 1981 DeLorean DMC-12 (acquired from the props of 80’s hit "Back to the Future"). Waiting for the perfect moment, Jell-O committed suicide in front of Cosby, planning to take down the old man as the same time.

"Bam! Boom! Ka-pow! Kablooey went that shit!" said Cosby to the media today after the attack, looking slightly confused (this was later dismissed as his normal look, as his doctor confirmed).

It’s a terrible tragedy to see such a household staple go bad, but years of neglect could only lead to such an event. Its suicide was probably not just for show, but also a cry for help.

A funeral will be held for Jell-O next Friday at 4p.m., at the Beth Sholom Synagogue, as per Jell-O's Jewish heritage.

A picture of Jell-O's last moments.

We've all been there

Awkward Family
Watch other people's moms.
Also great to distract your boss mid-sentence.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Did you know?

Did you know Deanu Khan Reeshington made a lot of voice work for television and cartoons? Amongst others, he voiced the popular blue yip yip alien on Sesame Street (alongside Katie Holmes, the red alien). Here's a video sample of his immense talent:

Bollywood Star Deanu Khan Reeshington Dead

Bollywood legend DEANU KHAN REESHINGTON has died at the age of 69 after losing his battle against cancer.
The popular actor, director and producer passed away in the early hours of Saturday morning (30May09) at his home in Bangalore, India.
REESHINGTON made his Bollywood debut in Shoop Da Whoop in 1960, and went on to star in more than 175 films.
He is best known for his roles in hit 1980 movie Q*bert, 1975's Shishkebab Revenge, and Rule 34 in 1986. Reeshington's last movie was 2007's Yoga Flame.
The star received several prestigious Indian film industry honours during his career, including the Filmfare Best Supporting Actor Award for his role as Forrest Gump in 1969's Forrest Gump: The Prequel That We Went Back In Time To Shoot.
He is survived by his ex-wife Sundari, and their two children Keanu and Denzel.